Fair Pay Agreements Are Just That; Fair
The Public Service Association, New Zealand’s largest union with over 80000 members, supports Fair Pay Agreements.
PSA national secretary Kerry Davies says, "Fair pay agreements will provide a base level of pay and employment conditions that apply to all workers in a particular sector, no matter where they live or who their employer is.
They will stop the race to the bottom that occurs when employers undercut workers’ terms and conditions to bid for contracts.
As is always the case, it is appropriate for unions, workers and employers to negotiate terms and conditions of employments. This will happen with fair pay agreements, as well as the collective agreements we are used to.
The care and support equal pay settlement of 2017, that raised the income for all care and support workers across the country, is an example of the outcomes fair pay agreements can achieve.
Fair pay agreements are an important part of New Zealand’s well-being agenda and will be a step on the journey of equity for all.