Mahuta’s Screwed Māori Wards Consultation Should See Bill Returned To Committee
The New Zealand
Taxpayers’ Union is condemning Local
Government Minister Nanaia Muhata’s decision to give local
councils supporting her Māori wards legislation advance
notice of the short submission process.
This decision was revealed by National MP Dr Nick Smith during Question Time this week.
Union spokesman Jordan Williams says, “The Minister gave her allies a five-day head start to prepare submissions on the Bill to entrench Maori wards. Meanwhile, members of the general public were given just one day’s notice to prepare for the disgracefully short two-day submission window.”
“The Minister knew perfectly well what she was doing. The decision to warn her mates before blindsiding the general public can only be read as a cynical attempt to manipulate the consultation process and limit the contributions of New Zealanders opposed to the Bill.”
“The Taxpayers’ Union has 60,000 subscribed supporters, thousands of whom would have likely produced personalised submissions on the legislation, had they been given the time. Instead, these voices were effectively silenced while the Bill’s allies were able to spend six days writing screeds for the select committee.”
“If a National Government did a favour like this for corporate special interests, Labour would rightly be up in arms.”
“This is a complete betrayal of the promise of open and transparent government. It shows a complete disrespect for not just the public, but Parliament as an institution. It undermines trust in the Select Committee process and justifies the Speaker stepping in so that public submissions are reopened.”