Failed Consultation Leads To Loss Of Māori Legacy At Unitec
The whānau of Te Ahikaiata Turei supported by Māori and non-Māori staff at Unitec will take back a portrait of the Tūhoe leader who led the establishment of Te Noho Kotahitanga Marae and the values that brought the institute back from the brink of closure in 2018.
His daughter Tui Ah Loo says her father's legacy has been trampled by the actions of the institutes newly appointed Board and CEO who have refused to engage authentically with Māori as treaty partners in a recent restructure which has seen the loss of more leaders integral to maintaining Māori staff and students’ safety.
Tui Ah Loo represented Māori at Unitec as Chair of the Rūnanga and says despite numerous attempts to engage in a meaningful way and provide solutions. The new governance structure and CEO have failed to uphold mana ōrite and the obligations of Te Pūkenga charter which is to give effect to Te Tiriti at governance, management and operational levels.
The failed negotiations have led to Tui Ah Loo resigning as Rūnanga Chair.
"I am taking my father home, if they can't honour his legacy and for what he has done for race relations in Aotearoa, then they do not have the honour to keep him in their boardroom".