Green Party MPs Once Again The Highest Spenders On Air Travel
Responding to the release of MP expenses for July-September, New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union spokesman Jordan Williams says:
“Green Party MPs are burning taxpayer money and fossil fuels at a faster rate than any other party as they jet up and down the country.“
"These spending figures arrive in the same week the government declared a climate emergency at the Greens’ behest. The hypocrisy is enough to make you weep.”
Average air travel spending:
Greens: $5,703
ACT: $5,181
National: $4,866
NZ First: $3,642
Labour: $3,237
Average total spending (accommodation and all travel):
NZ First: $16,528
ACT: $16,337
National: $16,269
Greens: $13,796
Labour: $11,944
Biggest individual spenders (accommodation and all travel):
Louise Upston: $32,541
Gerry Brownlee: $28,282
Nick Smith: $27,987
Judith Collins: 25,012
Simon Bridges: $24,845
The figures above relate to non-Ministerial MPs.