Agricultural Policies Must Incentivise Innovation
Agcarm calls on the government to introduce managed risk to legislation. Its chief executive Mark Ross says that the rural sector faces many, and often conflicting, demands. “Our farmers and growers are faced with the challenges of growing more food and fibre in reducing hectares of available space. They are also being asked to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, keep up with international best practice, minimise residues and manage resistance.
“To support our farmers and growers to meet these challenges, we must allow them to have access to the latest technology and the most effective and sustainable animal medicines and pesticides to protect animals and crops from devasting losses,” he says.
In its election manifesto, Agcarm asks the new government to modernise the regulatory environment for new product approvals and base scientific decision-making on facts and evidence, not political popularity.
A predictable, science-based regulatory environment is essential to support the supply of innovative and quality products to manage pests and diseases in crops and animals.
“This will protect our $6 billion horticultural industry and $30 billion animal protein market from devastating losses, while also preventing pain and suffering in farm animals and pets,” says Ross.
We cannot afford to implement agricultural policies that restrict a sector that is so essential for the wellbeing of our people, our economy and our animals. We must continue to maintain the supply chain for our essential services, support our farmers and growers to help boost our economy, maintain our exports, and ensure the health of our crops, our people and our animals.