Black Lives Matter Solidarity And Anti-racism Rally, 14 June 2020
People around Aotearoa New Zealand will be coming together on Sunday 14 June to stand together in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and unify against racism in our country and the rest of the world.
“After the tragic events in Minnesota, in which Police fatally took the life of George Floyd, many people around the world have come together to reiterate that black lives matter and we must acknowledge the racial disparities occurring near and far which have, and continue to, oppress and destroy the lives of many individuals and communities”, says Third Culture Minds.
Third Culture Minds and Platform Live have organised the March and protest in Te Whanganuia-Tara Wellington on Sunday 14 June at 1pm, beginning at Civic Square and marching on to Parliament.
“We will be bringing together speakers from our diverse communities in Aotearoa – Tāngata Whenua, Pasifika, African, Asian, and Pākeha will all be coming together as one community to highlight our kōtahitanga and commitment to eliminating racism. The march and peaceful protest will will maintain the kaupapa of being and kind to one another, as all humans should be. There will be zero-tolerance for offensive and destructive behaviour or actions.”, says Third Culture Minds