Waikato DHB commissioners should demand training money back
Waikato DHB commissioners should demand training money
11 NOVEMBER 2019
Responding to reports that a former Waikato DHB member
undertook a $5,000 taxpayer-funded training course after she
was sacked, New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union spokesman Louis
Houlbrooke says:
“The value to taxpayers for Crystal Beavis’s training was nil. All the benefit landed with Ms Beavis herself – which was presumably why she went ahead with the course despite being sacked. The Commissioners now in charge at Waikato DHB should demand that she repay the money, on the basis that it was used solely for personal benefit.”
“The DHB’s Commissioners have been put in
place to take a hard line on financial decisions. If they
publicly state their expectation that Crystal Beavis will
pay the money back, this will help to set a precedent
preventing future DHB members from using their
ratepayer-funded perks for personal