'Good start' to address their sexual violence response

Published: Fri 1 Nov 2019 03:14 PM
01 November 2019
National Council of Women says 'good start' by government to address their sexual violence response
The National Council of Women says the release of a report is a ‘good start’ to gathering information for the government to address their sexual violence response.
"The normalisation of intimate-partner violence is extremely dangerous. With one in three women reporting experiencing sexual or physical abuse in their lifetime, we absolutely encourage improvements to the current systems," says Lisa Lawrence, Vice President of the National Council of Women NZ.
"Violence in any form is unacceptable."
"I believe that our statistics demonstrate that there is a tolerance for violence against women. Reflection of this acceptance is evident in our judiciary and ‘helping’ systems."
Comment is in response to the news release "New report reveals barriers to prosecution and conviction for sexual violence cases" - also see text below.
More about NCWNZ:
In 1893, New Zealand became the first nation in the world to grant women the right to vote. Held on the 19th September, this year will be the 126th anniversary of women’s suffrage.
The National Council of Women of New Zealand was founded in 1896 by Kate Sheppard, and prominent leaders of NZ’s suffrage movement. The NCWNZ now leads the Gender Equal NZ movement, which aims to make gender equality, reality. People can join the Gender Equal NZ movement at

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