Proposed fishing catch limits released for public feedback
Fisheries New Zealand wants public feedback on proposals to change catch limits for 20 fish stocks around the country.
The proposals are part of a rolling set of annual reviews to ensure sustainability for current and future generations, says Fisheries Management Director Stuart Anderson.
“We’ve reviewed 13 inshore fish and shellfish stocks and seven deepwater stocks and want your feedback on a set of options to manage them. In addition, we’re proposing that amateur fishing charter vessels be required to add four species to the list of fish stocks they report to Fisheries New Zealand: snapper, scallops, blue cod and tarakihi. This will give us a more detailed understanding of the catch and allow us to set more accurate catch limits in the future.”
More than half of the proposals relate to stocks that are maintaining sustainable levels. “For those, catch limits could be increased.
“Meanwhile, there’s also scientific evidence that we need to take action to ensure the sustainability of tarakihi stocks across the eastern coastline of the country. We are putting three possible options on the table to protect and rebuild this stock which we would like the public to consider and give us their feedback on.”
“Feedback helps us understand how the proposals will affect the people who use the fishery, whether they are customary, recreational or commercial fishers.”
The proposals are based on science evidence underpinned by an ongoing research programme. More than $20 million is invested each year to ensure that fishery decisions are based on up to date and accurate data.
“People have opportunities to have their say on Fisheries New Zealand’s proposals by making a submission by email, online survey, or by post. In addition, there will be some Iwi Fisheries Forum meetings and face-to-face meetings with stakeholders. We will also host some public meetings specifically to discuss the tarakahi proposal.”
Feedback closes at 5pm on 26 July. New catch limits will then take effect from 1 October.