Auditor-General's submission and letter published
Submission on the Reform of Vocational
Education Proposals
The Minister of Education is consulting on proposals to reform the delivery of public vocational education in New Zealand. Our submission focuses on the proposal to create a New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology, bringing together the 16 existing public institutes of technology and polytechnics as a single entity.
If the Government goes ahead with the new institute, our interest is in ensuring that it maintains accountability for the use of public money and public assets and that it is established in a way that minimises disruption for learners. There are significant transition risks that need to be planned for and managed well.
Our submission is available on our website.
Letter to the Tomorrow’s Schools Independent Taskforce
The Independent Taskforce on the Review of Tomorrow’s Schools has recommended changes to the education system. Although we do not have a view on the proposed structural changes to the education system, we have written to the Taskforce setting out some matters for it to consider as it develops its proposals further. Our Office is particularly interested in changes that will improve governance, ensure good accountability, and provide better support to schools.
Our letter is available on our website.