Not too late to have a say on State Sector reform

Published: Fri 5 Oct 2018 01:08 PM
Not too late to have a say on vital issue of State Sector reform
This week the PSA has called on all of its 67,500 members to have a say on the vital issue of proposed State Sector reform before the Government’s closing date for feedback next Friday (12 October).
"Given the appeal the State Services Commission (SSC) has made for all New Zealanders to have a say about the shape and future direction of New Zealand’s public services it is disappointing the SSC website shows only 100 responses so far since consultation started on 4 September," says Glenn Barclay, PSA national secretary.
"Opportunities to ensure we take steps to turn back the unfortunate and damaging regime imposed by the State Sector Act 1988 are few and far between, and the PSA is concerned that this should not be a wasted opportunity.
"The short timeframe for consultation should not be an excuse for undercooking this review of the State Sector Act or failing to inject the genuine vision and imagination that New Zealand so badly needs for the country’s future well-being," says Glenn Barclay.
"Tinkering around the edges or making only minor tweaks to the status quo is not a way to achieve the delivery of the better outcomes and better services the Government has said it is seeking to achieve.
"This reform needs to be about a comprehensive rethinking of the options for organising public services in the widest possible sense, and from the bottom up - not just the top down.
"We have been encouraged that the focus of the review includes workforce development and greater attention to unifying the Public Service around a vastly better sense of its common purpose, principles and values.
"What we have now is a legacy of counter-productive fragmentation that stands in the way of re-creating one public service, which was the focus of our conference for the PSA’s Public Service Sector delegates in Wellington last week. Now is the time to seize the opportunity for major changes that can equip us for the challenges of the current century".
The consultation link for feedback on State Sector Reform is

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