Extra funding secured for 9000 allied health PSA members
Around 9000 allied, public health, and technical PSA members employed at DHBs around the country will be voting soon on whether to accept a significant new pay settlement.
"This result comes after a year of solid bargaining and will see minimum pay rises of 9% for this significant section of New Zealand’s health workforce by November 2019," says Erin Polaczuk, PSA national secretary.
"Standing together as our members have done has given us the numbers, strength, and necessary influence to reach this important settlement offer.
"The size of this settlement should not be underestimated, given it covers anaesthetic technicians, occupational therapists, sterile supply technicians, social workers, physiotherapists, and more than 130 other professional groups."
Meetings for ratification of the proposed settlement will be held around the country starting in the week of 22 October up until Friday 9 November, led by local organisers with support from bargaining team advocates Ashok Shankar and Sue McCullough.
The new settlement offer has been made possible after additional funding was agreed by Government in September.