Improved resources needed for diverse learners
IHC has welcomed the government’s draft plan to provide individualised support for every child who needs it in the classroom, but cautions it will only succeed if the wider education system becomes more inclusive.
The draft of the Disability and Learning Support Action Plan, released this afternoon, seeks to provide a wraparound coordinated response that includes access to government and community resources.
IHC Director of Advocacy Trish Grant says it reaffirms the critical need for funded roles in schools to ensure a child-centred and coordinated response.
“It’s great that the plan is a move away from the entitlement to a bucket of funding approach,” says Trish.
“IHC is hoping the wider education reform process will build capacity in schools to respond to diverse learners, including those with disabilities.
“Building capacity will require improved resourcing to schools, improved teacher education and professional development, improved access to the curriculum and assessments for disabled students and improvements to school governance and management arrangements to ensure accountability that drives drive best practice and innovation.”
IHC has provided Associate Education Minister Tracey Martin with a template for monitoring the action plan against the wider reform process, and is looking forward to ongoing engagement.