Trout Are Now in Eugenie’s Crosshairs
Trout Are Now in Eugenie’s Crosshairs
The NZ Outdoors Party is strongly encouraging all freshwater anglers to submit to the Environment Select Committee on the Indigenous Freshwater Fish Amendment Bill. With absolutely no consultation with Fish & Game, the Minister of Conservation has crafted a bill which could legalise the destruction of our freshwater sports fishery.
David Haynes, Co-Leader of the NZ Outdoors Party, said “This bill, as it stands enables DoC to remove our trout and salmon from particular rivers, will enable trout to be part of any future Waitangi Treaty settlements and gives DoC’s freshwater management supremacy over Fish & Game’s sports fishery management plans. All in all it’s a bloody train wreck from a Minister who seems to be more eco-fundamentalist each passing day.”
The Select Committee needs to hear from all freshwater anglers if our angling heritage and culture is to continue. Trout bashing and cultural appropriation of our freshwater sports fish is deeply offensive to the 120,000 anglers of New Zealand.