This not about free speech. This is simply self-defence
This not about free speech. This is simply self-defence.
The far-right have developed a concern for
civil-liberties over the last
few years and would have
you believe that they are the true defenders of
Don’t be fooled, there is a huge chasm between their
and the reality. Their call for freedom of
speech would quickly change
if they ever got a chance of
power, and they would quickly remove that
right from
those they perceive as their enemies.
Here in New Zealand
there has been some sympathy for the cancelling of
event by Canadians Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux, who
built a reputation for making controversial, racist
statements, and had
been due to appear next month at the
Bruce Mason Centre in Auckland. The
Auckland City
Council, which owns the venue, pulled the plug on
event, due to "security concerns" involving the
"health and safety" of
the presenters, staff and patrons
of the event, following protests made
to the Centre and
In response a planned event, initially in
support of the imprisoned
English far-right mouthpiece
Tommy Robinson, has morphed into a general
free speech
rally to be held this Saturday 12.00 at the
Buildings in Wellington, with concurrent
events being planned for
Auckland (Aotea Square) and
Christchurch (Entertainment Triangle, North
As anarchists, we have never had anything but
support for freedom of
speech for the reason that in an
anarchist vision of society, neither
the state nor any
other institution should be able to determine what we
and cannot say. Additionally, as a revolutionary minority
targeted for repression, anarchists worldwide
have consistently had
speeches, newspapers, websites, and
marches attacked, and individuals
throughout history, and
up to today, have been imprisoned and killed.
this, we will not stand idly by when speech is used to
and cause harm to others, or when it reinforces
hierarchies and
injustices. In this situation, we will
not shy away from confronting it
in the same way we would
confront any other kind of abuse or oppression.
we were accused of drawing attention to Southern and
when we mentioned their banning, but ignoring
them will not make them go
away. Allowing the far-right
to gather unhindered run the risk of them
growing in
popularity and influence. Richard Spencer, the
far-right activist in the USA, stated earlier
this year that he has had
to rethink his public events
after a number of actions by anti-fascist
throughout the USA. This speaks volumes as to the
of keeping the pressure on the far
Others have told us that we should let the right
speak, and engage them
in debate to expose the poverty of
their ideas. We would argue though
that it is not the
quality of ideas that make people support them (you
have to look at many comments in social media made by
supporters to see how much thinking goes on),
but it is the chance to
wield power over others in
society that make them so attractive to their
Again this is the reason we cannot let them gather,
ever-larger numbers, without protest.
Of course, the
most common objection to a no-platform stance for
right is the belief that free speech is an essential
right for everyone.
As we said at the beginning of this
statement we are not against free
speech. We oppose the
far-right because of what they do, or because of
their words lead others to do. Giving them a platform to
opens the door to their supporters feeling
justified to do physical harm
to other people. Public
speech promoting ideologies of hate, whether or
not you
consider it violent on its own, always complements
correlates with violent actions. Just two examples
include Darren
Osbourne who crashed his van into a group
of worshippers outside a
London mosque, was a follower of
far-right websites and twitter feeds,
including those
from Tommy Robinson; and again in the UK, the murderer
MP Jo Cox, Thomas Mair, had a large collection of fascist
and shouted “Britain First”, the name of a
British fascist organisation,
when he committed his
If you care about free speech then it is essential
to mobilise against
those that would take it away, but we
must stress that we won’t do this
by appealing to the
state to decide who can and who can’t speak. One day
could find the rules being used against us. Instead, we call
for this
action to take the form of self-organisation and
self-defence through
our own organisations.
This not about free speech. This is simply self-defence.
Penny Rimbaud
Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement