David Clark MP visits Northcote
Tuesday 5 June 2018
David Clark MP visits Northcote
Northcote Labour candidate Shanan Halbert today welcomed Health Minister David Clark to the electorate.
Shanan showed Minister Clark around AUT’s North Shore campus, which includes New Zealand’s largest health facility.
Shanan said “It was great to speak with David Clark about health care in the electorate, as well as what the Government budget delivered for the people of Northcote.”
“Free doctors’ visits for everyone under 14 and more funding for local healthcare will greatly benefit our community.”
“It’s fantastic that the Government is making progress on fixing our underfunded health system. I intend to be a strong local voice for better healthcare in Northcote if elected as local MP.”
“I’m campaigning every day for more local primary healthcare providers and more staff, so people don’t have to travel across the electorate to get the care they need.”
“Better local access will mean fewer people end up going to the hospital emergency room for minor cases that can be dealt with locally.”