Fed Farmers Supports the Decision to Keep Fighting M.bovis
Federated Farmers Supports the Decision to Keep Fighting M.bovis
There is no doubt the decision announced today
to continue to attempt to eradicate Mycoplasma bovis from
New Zealand is going to cause pain and anguish for more
farmers, Federated Farmers president Katie Milne
"But industry has always, from the beginning of this, been committed to working with the government to eradicate, if the science said it was feasible," she says.
Federated Farmers believes getting rid of this insidious disease is preferable to living with it, for years on end, probably without any compensation available for farmers in future when it does hit and can’t be controlled.
"For me personally, the only ‘silver lining’ of this biosecurity response is that the whole farming sector has worked together so well," Katie says.
"Now we have to crack on and give it our best shot
to recover from this threat."
"But we have to remember
the pain and trauma it is causing for the families involved
now, and sadly the ones who will be involved in the future.
We don’t even know who all those families are
"It’s important we all do our best to support those families going through this agonising time.
"Our focus
will continue to be on helping farmers manage their way
through this. We will work with MPI and industry groups to
make sure the system to support farmers is robust and
delivers well into the future," Katie