Maria Berryman Review: Terms of Reference
Maria Berryman Review: Terms of Reference
The Terms of Reference for the Berryman review have been finalised.
1. Ms Berryman will
inquire and report on:
a. all Labour Party policies
and procedures in relation to Young Labour events, that
existed as of February 2018, having regard to all relevant
b. whether such policies and procedures were applied correctly in respect of the February 2018 Young Labour summer camp;
c. whether the policies and procedures, when correctly applied, adequately support the Labour Party’s objective of providing a safe environment for members and participants;
d. all Labour Party policies and procedures in relation to the planning and management of events and the handling of complaints, having regard to all relevant legislation;
e. whether such policies and procedures were applied correctly in respect of the February 2018 allegations;
f. whether the policies and procedures, when correctly applied, reflect best practice.
2. The Reviewer will not investigate or make findings about the specific allegations of sexual assault, except to the extent of how the policies and processes were applied in relation to the events prior to, and after, the alleged assaults.
3. The Reviewer will make any recommendations for change that she thinks appropriate.
4. In addition, because the possibility of at least one other incident of a similar nature has been raised in the media, the Reviewer will also be available to, and will establish processes to:
a. receive any other concerns of issues that any person may wish to raise in relation to previous events (either relating to Young Labour or the Labour Party more generally); and
b. take such steps as she considers appropriate in relation to those other issues, having regard to the wishes of those who raise them with her. Those steps may include recommendations to the Labour Party Council.
“Ms Berryman is commencing immediately with the initial focus of her investigation on the Young Labour camp in February. The review is expected to take between two and three months,” said Nigel Haworth, Labour Party President.
“A statement will be issued when the review has been completed, outlining any recommendations as well as the steps the Labour Party will be taking to implement them.
“All members of the Party will be contacted in relation to the review.
“Historical cases may be
brought to Ms Berryman’s attention by sending details of
the case to:
“This address will be confidential to Ms Berryman and will be available on our website at
“The Labour Party will fully cooperate with Ms Berryman’s requirements in the completion of her review.
“Labour will not be commenting further while this investigation is underway,” said Haworth.