Statement from Labour Party on harrassment/drinking at event

Published: Mon 12 Mar 2018 05:40 PM
Statement from the Labour Party
The Labour Party is extremely disappointed that young people attending the Young Labour camp were exposed to highly inappropriate behavior by an individual who was also at the event.
Young Labour has apologised to the young people involved.
We are extremely disappointed that an incident like this happened at a Labour event and we are working to make sure those involved receive any support they need. We are deeply sorry for the distress that’s been caused. It shouldn’t have happened.
The Labour Party has initiated an external review of our policies and procedures including those involving alcohol. This review will involve our various sector groups, including Young Labour.
We want to ensure a situation like this is never repeated.
The morning after an evening in which we understand several young people had consumed alcohol, Young Labour was alerted to complaints in relation to the behaviour of a 20 year old man.
The camp organisers contacted me in the days following the event and explained what they understood had happened, and the action they’d taken in response to it.
Those included having clear processes in place such as a dedicated welfare phone line and designated support people.
We have also offered further, professional support to those involved.
I have subsequently banned the perpetrator from any future Labour Party events.

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