Climate Justice Taranaki regrets EPA drilling decision
Climate Justice Taranaki regrets EPA drilling
DATE: 16th January 2018 - for immediate
FROM: Climate Justice Taranaki
"We are deeply disappointed by the Environmental Protection Authority's decision to grant Shell consents to 2050 for the use of a jack-up rig and discharge of harmful contaminants off the Taranaki coast.
As we stressed repeatedly at various hearings, cumulative effects from the proposed and existing activities have not been assessed properly. The way applications are assessed in isolation, with no regards to the total harm and consequence on the environment and marine species, is ludicrous. You can't keep adding stress to the system and expect it to be fine! Based on the precautionary principle, the application should have been declined" says Catherine Cheung, researcher of Climate Justice Taranaki.
"We are supposed to protect the environment, the marine life and the climate. Drilling for more fossil fuels is the last thing this or future generations need. Future generations will look back at this time in disbelief as to why we keep putting the future environmental stability of this planet at risk for short-term monetary gain.
Climate change is a reality now. The time for action was three decades ago. So why does the EPA have its head stuck in the sand? Our group will continue to organise on the front-lines of climate change for a just transition towards an ecological sustainable society" concludes Urs Signer, spokesperson of Climate Justice Taranaki.