Labour lets off deadbeat dads, taxpayers pick up tab
Labour lets off deadbeat dads, taxpayers pick up tab
14 NOVEMBER 2017
The Taxpayers’ Union is labelling Social Development Minister Carmel Sepuloni's move to repeal part of the Social Security Act, which imposes sanctions on sole parents who do not identify the other parent, as a disgrace. The Union’s Executive Director, Jordan Williams, says:
“It is morally repugnant not to require a quid-pro-quo from solo mothers who take money from the Government to bring up children but refuse carte blanche to name the father. This policy appears more about letting fathers off the hook, rather than any sort of social justice.”
“No one wants to crack down on mums who don’t know who the father of their child is, or in circumstances where there is the threat of domestic violence, but the wholesale abandonment of any obligations on the mothers is wrong. It’s only fair that the Government seek to recoup for taxpayers the support obligations from deadbeat or absent fathers.”
“Labour appear to think our social safety net comes for free – that the tab is magically paid for.”