An Aotearoa New Zealand Where Every Child Shines Brightly

Published: Mon 6 Nov 2017 10:19 AM
An Aotearoa New Zealand Where Every Child Shines Brightly – Barnardos Briefing to the Incoming Government
Barnardos welcomes the Government’s commitments to improving the situation of our children in Aotearoa New Zealand and says how these commitments are implemented will be crucial.
Today Barnardos published its Briefing to the Incoming Government, ‘An Aotearoa New Zealand every child shines bright | Nga Tamariki.’ The document outlines key priorities for children in Aotearoa New Zealand and details what will be essential for creating a New Zealand that champions all children’s rights and well-being.
The areas highlighted are child safety and well-being, ending child poverty, supporting our most vulnerable children, ensuring quality early childhood education for every child, and listening to and working with children.
Chief Executive Jeff Sanders says Barnardos was heartened to see children’s issues receiving strong attention from all political parties during the General Election campaign. Now it is keen to see follow-through and to partner with Government and other organisations to achieve lasting positive change for children.
“What we’ve made clear in our Briefing to the Incoming Government is that we welcome the commitments made to better addressing the needs and well-being of children in New Zealand. Many of the Government’s policy commitments aren’t going to be simple or quick to achieve, but will require concerted and considered attention.
“However, we are convinced that if Government follows through on its pledge to work closely with NGOs and other partners there’s a real potential to create long-term, sustainable change for children,” says Mr Sanders.
Barnardos is ready to bring ideas and insights from its work with and for children around the country, to help shape child-focused policies and to help implement these in ways that work for children.
“We’re also encouraging the new Government to implement processes to support children’s participation in the policy and legislative process, so that children can more directly shape the systems settings that will affect their lives,” says Mr Sanders.
Read Barnardos’ Briefing to the Incoming Government 2017.

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