Generation Zero Auckland supports new Government's plans for city
Generation Zero supports the Government’s bold new plans for Auckland to fix the housing and transport crises.
“We now have a government committed to solving Aucklands transport crisis through investment in public transport," says Leroy Beckett, Auckland Director of Generation Zero
Generation Zero have advocated for the Congestion Free Network, including light rail to the airport, a rebalancing of the National Land Transport fund towards public and active transport, a regional fuel tax, the cancellation of the East-West Link, as well as a focus on building more homes.
"To have all of these policies adopted by the new Government is cause for celebration for all Aucklanders. It will lead to faster commutes, better air quality, and safer streets, more affordable housing and lower emissions."
"We will continue to push for solutions to our cities problems, and fight against projects and regressive thinking that would set us back "
"Central government now needs to work with Auckland Council and Auckland Transport to agree on a collaborative plan that is focussed on expeditious delivery."
"Crucial to this will be addressing the infrastructure funding gap, through the much needed regional fuel tax and ensuring the National Land Transport fund is used for it's intended purpose - to fund high quality transport projects of all types, rather than unnecessary and expensive truck lobby handouts."
"We are pleased to see the Government is taking on a much more active role building new houses. We urge them to not focus this new construction on the urban fringes when there are brownfield sites ready for development"