1 Week on Petition Reaches 3000+ Signatures
Media Release by NZ School Speeds 5th October 2017 No Embargo
Ordinary New Zealander’s are signing the petition and demanding that our future Minister of Transport introduce laws that will make roads safer for children.
Last Friday, Lucinda Rees from NZ School Speeds started the petition ‘GO DUTCH AND STOP CHILD MURDER’ https://www.change.org/p/nz-minister-of-transport-go-dutch-and-stop-child-murder?recruiter=69948739&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=share_petition, after a devastating week of deaths and injuries to children on our roads and it has already reached over 3000 signatures.
Here are a few reasons why people are signing:
“I biked to school all through all my pre-high school years. Kids shouldn't be risking their lives by simply biking to school. Please sign.”
“I believe that NZ can change the fact that our child murder rate is one of the highest in the world. And if there is anything that I can do to put a stop to it, then by God I am going to do it.”
“Because a girl was killed on my street the other day and it effected our whole community save our children”
“I've got school age children. All children SHOULD be safe travelling to and from school. PLEASE!”
“We all have the right to send our kids to school and believe that they are safe too do so. Not all parents can drive their kids to school despite wanting too. Children being safe should be our number 1 priority.”
“Exactly. Follow world-best practice. Australia and NZ need to stop prioritising drivers of motor vehicles above all else. It's infuriating that vulnerable road users are left to die at the expense of accommodating drivers, everywhere.“
“Some countries know how important our children are!”
“my son was killed outside a school on his pushbike“