Govt has head in the sand over Fisheries Officer Strike
Government has head in the sand over Fisheries Officer Strike
Fisheries Officers enter their second week of nationwide strike action as the government remains silent on the issue. “They have their heads in the sand” Says Janice Gemmell, Secretary of the Officer’s union, NUPE.
“We have an unprecedented situation where officers are refusing to leave their work premises and the Minister is silent”. “His leadership is needed”, says Gemmell.
The strike involves a refusal by the striking officers to work outside their MPI premises. “This means no beach patrols, no commercial services” says Gemmell. “The Scallop season started on Friday (1st September) and while this action continues there is only 25 warranted officers protecting the whole of New Zealand’s 15,000 kilometres of coastline. The Minister must sort this”.
The Union will be seeking to meet opposition parties this week in an effort to further highlight the concerns of officers.
“It does raise the question how
serious is the government about protecting our fish when
they will not pay their fishery officers fairly for their