Greg O’Connor – Plenty of work still to be done
Greg O’Connor – Plenty of work still to be done
“The latest poll results are encouraging, but I’d be presumptuous to take reassurance about them this far out from Election Day,” says Ōhāriu Labour candidate Greg O’Connor, speaking about the 1 News Colmar Brunton poll released today showing him well ahead in the Ōhāriu electorate race.
“I take from this that what my team and I are doing is working, and the community is excited with the recent appointment of Jacinda Ardern as Labour Leader. Many conversations I’ve had out door knocking over the last two weeks have told me Ōhāriu residents are excited to see her as Labour Leader.
“Nevertheless, I intend to spend the next five weeks knocking on as many doors and making as many phone calls as I can. That’s what will make the difference come Election Day, which is the only poll that matters.” Mr O’Connor said.
Mr O’Connor has recently come from heading a $40 million dollar a year business and says he is ready to apply his real-world experience to addressing the real issues facing Ōhāriu. Things like better public transport, the redevelopment of the local mall, and the same issues facing people across the nation – health, education, and housing.