Second Set of Candidates Announced

Published: Thu 1 Jun 2017 02:23 PM
For Immediate Release – Gareth Morgan Announces The Opportunities Party (TOP) Second Set of Candidates
“I’m proud to announce our second set of candidates,” says The Opportunities Party founder Dr Gareth Morgan. “It is notable that they are all from the Canterbury Plains and Otago lakes area, which shows the strong response The Opportunities Party (TOP) has had in this area. People are sick and tired of watching their fresh water degrade. It is time for change.”
The candidates announced today are:
Nicky Snoyink Selwyn
Olly Wilson Rangitata
Kevin Neill Waitaki
“The Opportunities Party are prepared to work with National or Labour to ensure we have a strong economy and a clean environment,” says Deputy Leader Geoff Simmons. “But we can’t keep on chasing increased volume. Milking cows on the side of the Alps doesn’t make sense either economically or environmentally. We have to get smarter.”
Former teacher and now electrician Kevin Neill will be standing in Waitaki, Registered nurse, local business owner and father of four children Olly Wilson will be standing in Rangitata, and passionate conservation advocate and Ecotour operator Nicky Snoyink will be standing in Selwyn.
Nicky says “Take a look at any advertising for New Zealand products and you see spectacular landscapes and abundant nature. The natural environment underpins almost every aspect of our economy. But with fresh water, biodiversity and looming social crises, the reality does not reflect the glossy pictures.” Nicky aims to raise the profile of environmental issues to prioritise a healthy natural environment, protect quality of life and to provide substance behind the marketing.
"We are throwing our children and next generation a Hospital Pass!” says Olly Wilson. “I love our country and our region in Rangitata but without fundamental policy change what sort of legacy are we leaving them, with an environment and water quality in crisis, high levels of child poverty, unaffordable housing and uncontrolled immigration. We can and must address these issues now.”
Kevin Neill brings TOP a pragmatic centrist philosophy, rooted in evidence-based decisions. "I am determined to follow a very methodical and scientific decision making process," he said.
“We continue to build a team that can keep this party growing into this election and beyond. We have more candidates to come, but this lot are raring to get started so they can knock the Establishment Parties out of their complacency. Kiwis want change, and the movement is building,” says The Opportunities Party founder Gareth Morgan.
You can find more information on all our candidates here.

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