Novopay botch up creates privacy breach for school staff

Published: Thu 3 Nov 2016 02:24 PM
Novopay botch up creates privacy breach for school staff
3 November 2016
Some schools have been sent the full payroll information of other schools this week in what appears to be a significant privacy breach by Novopay, the school payroll service.
The principal of Hamilton West School, Mark Penman, says his school was sent a payroll report known as the SUE report, containing the names of all staffing and their salary information from a high school in Northland. He said Novopay staff told his school that the privacy breach was "widespread".
NZEI has been contacted by another school that has also received the wrong SUE report. Novopay's only response has been a statement on its website acknowledging that there was "an issue for some schools with the draft SUE report".
NZEI Te Riu Roa National Secretary Paul Goulter said even one mistake was too many when it came to people's privacy.
"Novopay must come clean on the extent of this breach. This is yet another Novopay shambles that puts individuals' privacy at risk and puts more strain on school staff at a stressful time of year," he said.

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