Terminally Ill Prisoner Should Be Allowed Home Early

Published: Thu 3 Nov 2016 09:32 AM
3 November 2016
Terminally Ill Prisoner Should Be Allowed Home Early
Family First New Zealand says that terminally ill prison Vicki Letele should be released from prison early and allowed to spend her final weeks or months at home with her family.
“Although she has committed a serious crime and should ‘do the time’, the ‘sentence’ of a terminal illness outweighs all of that and any purpose that more time in prison would serve. Every person deserves a level of care and family support and the best and most appropriate palliative care at such a difficult time,” says Bob McCoskrie, Family First NZ.
“This would not set a precedent to be abused because these are exceptional circumstances.”
“This would also not lessen the seriousness of her crime or the message it sends to other people considering committing similar fraudulent acts.”
“So-called ‘adequate care’ in prison does not equate to time spent with children and family and friends in those final days and weeks,” says Mr McCoskrie.
“We should always have the greatest compassion for those facing death and offer them the very best support and care we can – irrespective of their current status and of their past.”

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