Feds Says Vote Now, You’re Out Of Time
Feds Says Vote Now, You’re Out Of Time
Source: Federated Farmers
Time is running out to get your vote in for you local body elections. Voting papers must be received by 12pm onSaturday 8 October when voting officially closes.
Voting papers can still be returned to councils directly before the deadline - check with your local council for locations where they can be returned.
Federated Farmers local government spokesperson Katie Milne says if you haven’t voted yet exercise your democratic right - just do it now or you may miss out.
"This may mean some farmers will need to drop off the papers at local council buildings as they may not arrive by post in time.
"The way local government is funded, through property value based rates, has a big impact on farms’ financial viability.
"The average farm now pays well over $10,000 per year in rates, which are often in the top ten farm expenses," she says.
As a fixed cost there is no way for farms to cut back, short of selling up, during downturns like the current one in the dairy industry.
One of the most important council functions is to manage natural resources, including water, land and air.
"Farmers are also exposed to other council regulation like building and dog control - and bylaws for things like stock crossings and stock movement across and along roads.
"Councils also provide infrastructure and services of value for farmers and for the rest of the community. Roads are especially important for farms," Katie says.