Landfarming – Toxic waste disposal or recycling of rocks?
Landfarming – Toxic waste disposal or recycling of rocks, mud and minerals?
Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand
(PEPANZ) Chief Executive Cameron Madgwick said,
“landfarming is nothing more than taking the ground-up
rocks, mud and minerals left over from drilling activities
and recycling them by placing them underneath the topsoil”
(Opunake & Coastal News, July 15, 2016). Unfortunately,
the facts tell a different story. As Climate Justice
Taranaki Inc. (CJT) pointed out at the public hearings on
the Proposed South Taranaki District Plan, the
euphemistically termed ‘landfarming’ is actually the
spreading of contaminated oil/gas wastes on farmland, and
mostly on the coast in South Taranaki. “By avoiding
unpleasant words like ‘carcinogenic, heavy metals and
toxic waste disposal’, and using relatively benign words
like ‘rocks, mud and recycling’, the industry wants us
to believe that it is a good thing to use farmland for
disposal of contaminated wastes that the industry
generates,” says Catherine Cheung, CJT
Researcher. Compliance monitoring by the Taranaki Regional
Council reveals a wide range of contaminants that can be
expected on a landfarm, including heavy metals (e.g.
Arsenic, Chromium, Mercury), BTEX (Benzene, Toluene,
Ethylbenzene, Xylene) and PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic
Hydrocarbons). All are toxic to humans and livestock at low
concentrations. Some cause cancer. At WRS Manawapou
landfarm, elevated levels of benzene and toluene were
detected in the groundwater near one storage pit in 2014,
breaching the resource consent. At BTW Oeo landfarm, trace
levels of benzene and elevated salinity were recorded in one
monitoring bore. At Waikaikai landfarm, the total dissolved
salts in groundwater under one spreading area was more than
double the consented limit. At least one site, BTW Vanner
landfarm in Kakaramea, has received drilling wastes from the
East Coast, as other councils have wisely not allowed
landfarming in their districts.
CJT emphasized at the
hearings that NZ’s regulations are far laxer than
international standards. E.g. The acceptable soil endpoints
for benzene (1.1-6.7mg/kg) recommended by Landcare, MPI and
the MfE are orders of magnitude higher than those required
in Alberta (0.046-0.073mg/kg), Canada. Crucially, while
short chain hydrocarbons readily biodegrade, longer chain
hydrocarbons and heavy metals are typically persistent – a
reason why only one-time disposal of petroleum wastes is
allowed on landfarms. Furthermore, because of the potential
harm to neighbours, the Canadian government requires a 500
metres minimum setback between homes and landfarms. Yet the
South Taranaki District Council proposes landfarming to be a
‘Permitted’ activity in the Rural Zone, not even
requiring a landuse consent. “The one-time disposal
restriction means that the oil/gas industry will always need
more land to dispose of their toxic wastes for as long as
they drill new wells or rework old wells to continue
production. In 2013, Fonterra announced that they would not
accept milk from new landfarms. So what has the industry in
mind for the coastal land that has supposedly become more
‘productive’ as a result of landfarming? To date,
there is no research to demonstrate that meat or crops
produced from such land is safe. Given the variable range
and toxicity of wastes, such research would need to be
ongoing and likely be prohibitively costly. And what would
such produce be worth, with the ever more stringent demand
for assured quality? Is spreading contaminated wastes on
farms the smartest way of using our valuable yet vulnerable
coastal area, at a time when extreme weather events are
becoming more frequent? Shouldn’t we be investing in
coastal protection instead?” says