Te Mātāwai Appointment
Tēnā koutou
On behalf of the Executive, I would like to inform you that Scotty Morrison has been appointed as the Iwi Radio, Nga Aho Whakaari representative to the Te Mātāwai Board. We invited any member who was part of the Iwi radio network to apply and as an executive we were very pleased with the process that we followed.
Three applications were received who were all of a high calibre. Scotty was nominated by Radio Te Arawa. He was unanimously selected by the Executive. He is an outstanding young leader for te reo Māori in this country. He has been with Radio Waatea for 12 years and worked on Ruia Mai previously to that. As well, he fronts the most high profile Māori language programme in the country, Te Karere every day. He is committed to Māori language revitalisation and recently won the top award at the Māori Television Matariki Awards for Te Reo Māori and Tikanga. Reikura Kahi was selected as the Nga Aho Whakaari representative and will be Scotty’s backup she is the alternate candidate.
We are pleased that he put his name forward and he will speak at our next Whakaruruhau Network Hui.
Ngā mihi o te wā kia koutou,