SST criticise sentencing decision
Sex with a Child is Not Ok And a Sentence like This is Even Worse
16th June 2016
teacher taking their 14 year old student home for sex is
premeditated and calculated but a 3 year jail sentence for
this type of offending is as wrong as the offence
committed.“ Guthrie.
Raelyn Jacquelyn Te
Moni, a teacher aide, who was seen as a role model for young
Maori had a sexual relationship with one of her 14 year old
students and has been jailed for 3 years and 6 months.
Moni, 44, was found guilty of 5 charges of unlawful sexual
connection with a minor.
“The evidence shows full sexual intercourse took place eight or nine times. This offending clearly has aspects of grooming and planning and is clearly predatory behaviour” Christchurch District Court Judge Brian Callaghan."
“One minute Judge Callaghan states the offending was clearly predatory behaviour and included grooming and planning and the next minute hands out a sentence that isn’t even 10 percent of what was available for this offender. What about the victim and the victim’s family? What about justice and respect for the community and what about keeping the community safe?” Guthrie
Scott is once again calling on the government to step up on their 2008 election promise to harden up on crime. And a good starting point would be to start making our judges enforce the sentencing laws of this country to their full extent and then we might start seeing a reduction in the horrific offending we are currently seeing. END
National Spokesperson Child
Sensible Sentencing