Report condemns NZ's climate change efforts as "inadequate"
Independent report condemns NZ's climate change efforts as "inadequate" at Paris Climate Talks
8 December 2015
New Zealand’s efforts to fight climate change have been condemned by Climate Action Tracker as ‘inadequate’ in a final update of their report for the COP21 Paris Climate Talks. Other countries whose efforts were judged as ‘inadequate’ include Saudi Arabia and Russia. The report, an independent analysis of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) submitted by countries, forecasts that on current INDC targets, the world is headed for an average temperature increase of 2.7 degrees.
“New Zealand is neither a climate leader or, as the Prime Minister sometimes claims, a fast follower. In fact, we are currently a climate slacker in the same league as Saudi Arabia and Russia. Our climate target of 11% emission reductions by 2030 on a 1990 baseline is ‘inadequate,’ with New Zealand being in the bottom 20% of countries when it comes to climate action. While other countries labelled as ‘inadequate,’ such as Canada and Australia, are turning over a new leaf by pushing for a 1.5 target, the National Government continues to drag the chain on climate action,” said New Zealand Youth Delegation (NZYD) Spokesperson Natalie Jones.
“As young Kiwis, we’re extremely disappointed with our government’s ‘inadequate’ effort. Unfortunately, this government seems to be spending more effort trying to pull the wool and cheat the system than in actually reducing emissions. Rather than subsidizing oil production and engaging in dodgy climate accounting, we should be taking concrete steps to future proof New Zealand. Business, communities and councils all over New Zealand are already reaping the benefits of taking climate action, but we now need central government to get on board. We call on the Prime Minister to invest aggressively in clean energy technologies at home and to support an ambitious long term goal of 1.5 degrees at the Paris climate talks.”