The Nation: CYF; chair of China’s Foreign Affairs committee
This weekend on The Nation...
Another damning report of Child, Youth and Family this week, so what happens next? We talk to Social Development Minister Anne Tolley about her plans to overhaul the organisation and whether that means more funding or just a moving of deckchairs.
Then Lisa Owen’s exclusive interview with Madam Fu Ying, the chair of China’s Foreign Affairs committee about Chinese investment in New Zealand, the Lochinver Station decision, the role that China wants to play in the Asia region and much more.
We’ll discuss all this with our panel: Hive News founder Bernard Hickey, former Internet Party leader Laila Harre, and PR strategist Matthew Hooton.
And on the #nationtv3 Twitter panel, newly-announced Auckland mayoral candidate Mark Thomas (@marksmutterings) and blogger John Palethorpe (@mrduttonpeabody).