John Key lets down New Zealanders with refugee stance

Published: Sun 13 Sep 2015 08:41 PM
John Key lets down New Zealanders with refugee stance
Recently announced emergency quotas highlight the mean and ungenerous reaction of John Key to the refugee crisis.
The per capita intake of Australia (2400) and Ireland (2900), which has a similar population to New Zealand, dwarf our 600 new places. Those aren’t world leaders, either, as Norway will take 13 times what New Zealand does, and Germany has committed to 67 times as much per capita.
“If this were 1939 would New Zealanders be satisfied with such a mean response?” asked Murdoch Stephens, spokesperson for Doing Our Bit.
“John Key’s response is unprincipled and mean. We’re doing a quarter of what Abbot’s Australia does – and that’s a government that is being taken to the International Criminal Court for their refugee policies.”
Over the weekend calls have come from the Mayors of Dunedin and Whangarei to establish resettlement centres in their cities, with an editorial in the Bay of Plenty times calling for Tauranga to accept refugees.
The combined Anglican and Catholic churches had also stated that their people could take 1200 people immediately.
“The capacity is here, the will is here and our community leaders see refugees as win-win. This was a government that promised to catch up to Australia and empower kiwis to get on with business. Instead they do the absolute minimum they think they can get away with.”
“How many more people have to drown on his watch – both on Key’s watch as head of NZ and on the UN Security Council – for them to get their act together?

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