Social Justice Week addresses family poverty in New Zealand
Social Justice Week addresses family poverty in New Zealand
Responding to the bleak statistic that almost a quarter of all New Zealand families with children experience income poverty (2014 Child Poverty Monitor), Social Justice Week this year is focused on family poverty and what it would take for all Kiwi families to flourish.
An annual awareness-raising campaign, the week is set aside by the Catholic Bishops of New Zealand and runs from 13-19 September this year. The aim in 2015 is to increase awareness and understanding of the challenges struggling families face today in Aoteraoa New Zealand, while also inspiring people to take action.
This year Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand has produced a short documentary - 'Kiwi Families: It's Our Story' - featuring four community groups across the country and the families they support.
Cardinal John Dew will mark the beginning of the campaign and also launch The Poverty and Justice Bible with a special mass at the St Peter and Paul Mass Centre in Lower Hutt on Sunday, 13 September from 5:30pm. A showing of the Social Justice Week 20-minute documentary will follow the mass.
Produced in partnership with Bible Society New Zealand, The Poverty and Justice Bible uses the Catholic NRSV translation, but also includes a unique study section which was developed with The Catholic Institute and derived from the New Zealand Year 12 Religious Education curriculum and Caritas resources.
Social Justice Week events are being held in parishes and community centres around the country from 13-19 September.
Event: Launch of Social Justice Week 2015 and The Poverty and Justice Bible
Venue: Catholic Parish of Te Awakairangi, St Peter and Paul Mass Centre
60 Knights Road, Lower Hutt
Date: 13 September, 2015
Time: 5:30pm start