Five New Working Papers Published by the Treasury
Five New Working Papers Published by the Treasury
The Treasury published five new Working Papers today, covering analysis of fiscal policy, retirement income, labour supply responses to tax and transfer changes, and the Living Standards Framework.
The new Working Papers are:
• Long-run Fiscal Projections Under Uncertainty: The Case of New Zealand, by Christopher Ball, John Creedy and Grant Scobie (WP 15/10)
• Debt Projections and Fiscal Sustainability with Feedback Effects, by John Creedy and Grant Scobie (WP 15/11)
• The New Zealand Treasury’s Living Standards Framework – Exploring a Stylised Model, by Girol Karacaoglu (WP 15/12)
• Labour Supply in New Zealand and the 2010 Tax and Transfer Changes, by John Creedy and Penny Mok (WP 15/13)
• A Practical Approach to Well-being Based Policy Development: What Do New Zealanders Want from Their Retirement Income Policies?, by Joey Au, Andrew Coleman and Trudy Sullivan (WP 15/14)
These Working Papers can be viewed on the Treasury website at
The views, opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in Treasury Working Papers are strictly those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the New Zealand Treasury or the New Zealand Government.