Seminar on the Syrian refugee crisis

Published: Mon 7 Sep 2015 01:57 PM
Seminar on the Syrian refugee crisis
A seminar at the University of Auckland will explain the plight of Syrian refugees and what steps New Zealand can take in the crisis.
Associate Professor Carol Mutch and Dr Jay Marlowe of the University’s Faculty of Education and Social Work will present the seminar “The Refugee Crisis in Europe: Emotion, inertia, and xenophobia” this Wednesday 9 September.
This seminar is designed to be interactive and provide an opportunity for interested staff and students to discuss the refugee crisis that is filling our television screens. The first part of the seminar will provide information on the current crisis in Europe – discussing where the refugees arriving in Europe are coming from and in what numbers; where are they heading and why; why different countries are taking different approaches to the refugees; and what aspects of EU legislation help or hinder the problem.
The second part of the seminar will clarify terms – migrant, refugee, asylum seeker; put the refugee crisis into perspective; and provide an insight into the plight of refugees worldwide.
The final section is open for discussion, including considering New Zealand's role in the crisis.
Carol is Associate Professor and Head of School in the School of Critical Studies in Education at the University’s Faculty of Education and Social Work. She teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses in social justice and diversity, educational policy, curriculum and research methods. Carol has published books, chapters and articles on education policy, curriculum development, research methods, social studies, citizenship education, and the role of schools in disaster response and recovery.
Jay is an academic in the School of Counselling, Human Services and Social Work at the faculty. He previously worked at Flinders University in South Australia. Before finishing his PhD, he was a visiting fellow with the Refugee Studies Centre at the University of Oxford and a social worker at the Loss and Grief Centre in Adelaide. His major area of research focuses upon refugee settlement, social inclusion and ways that migrant communities can participate within civil society.
The seminar is at the University’s Epsom Campus on Wednesday, 9 September at 12:30 pm in room N313.

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