Investigation into Mount Eden Corrections Facility extended
27 August 2015
Investigation into Mount Eden
Corrections Facility (MECF) extended
Chief Executive Ray Smith announced today the Chief
Inspector of Corrections’ investigation into organised
prisoner fighting at MECF has been extended.
The terms of reference and timeframes for the investigation have both been extended due to the volume of issues raised.
The final report on phase one of the investigation will now be completed by 30 October 2015. Phase one includes the circumstances of prisoner on prisoner fighting at MECF, access to cell phones and the adequacy of reporting on incidents of prisoner violence. The terms of reference will now include the safety and welfare of prisoners generally at MECF, as well as reviewing monitoring arrangements.
These changes will enable the Chief Inspector to review a number of complaints from prisoners and their families which have been referred to him since the investigation was announced on 19 July 2015.
“It was necessary to extend the timeframes of the investigation due to the large amount of information being received and the need to carry out the investigation carefully,” says Mr Smith.
“It is essential that the investigation is comprehensive given the level of public interest in the operation of MECF. The safety of staff and prisoners is our top priority.”
The Department will continue to manage MECF while the investigation is being completed.
Phase two of the investigation will now be completed by 30 November 2015. Phase two is reviewing the adequacy of controls designed to address prisoner violence and access to cell phones in other New Zealand prisons.