Rates Rally in the Works
Rates Rally in the Works
Affordable Auckland Mayoral candidate Stephen Berry is working with a group of concerned citizens to give Aucklanders the opportunity to convey exactly how they feel about their rates increase. “We are organising a rates rally which will take place at midday on Saturday August 8, at Aotea Square.”
“The Mayor broke the promise he made in the 2013 election campaign to keep rates increases at 2.5% and the majority of Aucklanders are now feeling the consequences of that dishonesty. Worst hit will be pensioners on limited incomes, with no means to deal with any increased living costs as well as those in South Auckland only just managing to feed their families on basic incomes.”
Organisation of the march is in the early stages of planning but so far Mr. Berry and fellow Mayoral candidate Penny Bright have been confirmed as speakers. “We will be bringing together groups and individuals from all walks of life who oppose the rates increases to deliver a clear message to Auckland Council,” Mr. Berry says.