Winston Peters’ 100 Days judged a failure by Ngapuhi
Winston Peters’ 100 Days judged a failure by Ngapuhi
There were high hopes among Maori in Northland when Winston Peters won the bi-election in the electorate earlier this year and became its MP.
However, after the first 100 days as a representative for the electorate, there is little to show for it. At least, that it the assessment of the Ngapuhi leader David Rankin. “Winston was big on promises,” says Mr Rankin. “He talked about jobs, development, recovery – all the popular terms – but he has failed to deliver a single job so far, and he has not shown us how he will change anything in the electorate.”
Rankin says he is prepared to work with Peters, but that the MP first needs to understand a bit more about the electorate:
“Peters lives in one of Auckland’s most expensive suburbs. I would like to invite him to tour the north with me. Not the north of scenic spots that features in his election campaign, but the real north, with its poverty, hardship, and hopelessness. If there is to be any recovery in the region, that’s where we need to start.”