Budget a disappointment for Auckland transport

Published: Thu 21 May 2015 05:09 PM
Budget a disappointment for Auckland transport - Generation Zero
Youth organisation, Generation Zero, is disappointed to find that the government has refused to allocate money for urgent public transport improvements in today's Budget.
Spokesperson, Dr Sudhvir Singh; “Consultation on the Long Term Plan showed that Aucklanders overwhelmingly favoured investment in public transport and not more roading, yet the government continues to ignore the wishes of Auckland with its short sighted road widening programme.”
Despite record rail patronage and a bottleneck at Britomart, the government continue to insist on delaying the City Rail Link, despite Auckland Council considering this the number one transport priority in Auckland.
Dr Singh; “Rail patronage is growing by 20% per year and Britomart will soon be at capacity, warranting an urgent start to the CRL. By delaying construction, Aucklanders will incur substantial costs due to the missed opportunity to get our city moving.”
The urgent need for the City Rail Link and other public transport investment has grown further with today’s announcement that the government will fast-track building houses on government owned land in Auckland.
Dr Singh; “The government house building programme offers a great opportunity for affordable, medium density housing to be built close to jobs and transport nodes, however this must be supported by further investment in public transport, or these new residents will further clog our congested roads.”
Dr Singh; “The solution to Auckland’s traffic problems is to free up our roading network by offering people transport choices. The City Rail Link will offer more Aucklanders a reliable, low carbon public transport option which is why it’s so important that it goes ahead as soon as possible.”

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