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#SaveCampbellLive Petition Video - "I Am John Campbell"
ActionStation has published the following video to their youtube channel.
"75,000 Kiwis have taken action to #SaveCampbellLive - watch to find out why, and then join them here >> http://www.actionstation.org.nz/savecampbelllive."
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Early reports indicate that the temporary Israel/Hamas ceasefire deal (due to take effect on Sunday) will allow for the gradual release of groups of Israeli hostages, the release of an unspecified number of Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails (likely only a fraction of the total incarcerated population), and the withdrawal of the IDF to a one kilometre wide buffer zone situated inside the Gaza Strip. Back home, the Regulatory Standards Bill is another vehicle for constitutional change that’s being launched under the guise of sensible, garden-variety law-making.
"Businesses must manage their risks and chemical safety is non-negotiable. We are pleased to see Ecostore putting things right and being a change-maker in the manufacturing and distribution sector,” says WorkSafe’s regulatory support manager, Mark Horgan.
A new resource to be released during the first half of 2025 is currently in development towards discovering the many historical heritage sites across the Western Bay of Plenty which connect them to their communities.
Investments in infrastructure changes to the transport and waste network will continue as the Council remains committed to addressing climate change, says Mayor Whanau.
The environmental and financial costs of food waste in Aotearoa are staggering. Food sent to landfills produces methane, while households lose an estimated $1,500 annually from wasted food. Nationally, over $3.2 billion worth of good food ends up in the bin every year.
New Zealand recognises the European Union’s protocols to manage FMD are in line with international standards and equivalent to New Zealand’s, says Biosecurity Minister Andrew Hoggard.
“But under the guise of improving things, the proposed Bill in fact constitutes a retrograde constitutional shift by mandating a narrow, ideological and radical approach to regulation-making,” said EDS’s Chief Executive, Gary Taylor.