Quads Bikes Not for Under 16s
Quads Bikes Not for Under 16s
Safekids Aotearoa strongly
supports recommendations made in a report released today
highlighting the dangers posed by quad bikes when ridden or
controlled by children who are under 16 years of
The Child & Youth Mortality Review Committee (CYMRC) report ‘Child and youth mortality from motorcycle, quad bike and motorised agricultural vehicle use’ looked into 33 child deaths caused by off road motor vehicles from 2001-2012. This includes 12 deaths caused by quad bikes.
According to Safekids Aotearoa, 30 children die or are hospitalised every year as a result of quad bike injuries.
Studies also showed that in over half of child quad bike injury cases, a child was identified as the driver.
The CYMRC report recommends children under 16 should never operate an adult-sized quad bike.
Ann Weaver, Director of Safekids Aotearoa, said it is essential that anyone considering buying a quad bike of any size, or allowing a child to drive or ride on one understands that quad bikes are powerful and heavy machines with a high centre of gravity.
“Children are particularly vulnerable as they do not have the body size, weight, perception and co-ordination skills to actively ride these large machines,” Ms. Weaver said.
“The evidence is clear, parents should not allow children on quad bikes as they are potentially lethal and have the capacity to inflict on them significant harm,” she added.
A copy of the CYMRC report is available on their website www.hqsc.govt.nz/our-programmes/mrc/cymrc/publications-and-resources/publication/1928/.