More effective social services: Commission seeks views
More effective social services: Productivity Commission seeks views
The Productivity Commission has just
released the issues paper on its new inquiry into
improving outcomes for New Zealanders from social services.
Submissions are invited by 18 November.
Video introducing the inquiry:
The Commission has been asked to look at ways to improve how government agencies commission and purchase social services. This will include how agencies identify the needs of people who use the services, how they choose organisations to provide the services, and how the contracts between agencies and organisations work.
The inquiry aims to shed light on how commissioning and purchasing influence the quality and effectiveness of social services, and suggest measures government agencies and others could take to promote better outcomes in the future. The inquiry will conduct case studies on employment services, Whanau Ora, services for people with disabilities, and home-based care of older people.
Inquiry timeline
18 November
2014: Due date for submissions on Issues
March 2015: Draft report
released for submissions
30 June 2015:
Final report due to