Speaker leads delegation to CPA Conference
Speaker leads delegation to the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Conference and the Inter-Parliamentary Union Assembly
Strengthening New Zealand’s ties with parliaments from across the world will be the focus of the upcoming delegation to the 60th Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) Conference in Yaoundé, Cameroon from 4-10 October and the 131st Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland from 12-16 October, Speaker Rt Hon David Carter announced today.
The delegation comprises Speaker Carter and Lindsay Tisch MP. Mr Tisch will also represent the Pacific Region on the CPA Executive Committee.
“I am pleased that the New Zealand Parliament will be able to participate in these particularly significant events, as the IPU will elect a new President to succeed Dr Abdelwahad Radi and the CPA will elect a new Chairperson of the Executive Committee to succeed Rt Hon Sir Alan Haselhurst,” said Rt Hon David Carter. “Our participation will ensure that the New Zealand and Pacific region perspective on the many issues facing the international parliamentary community is represented and heard.”
The CPA is an organisation of Commonwealth parliamentarians representing 30 per cent of the world’s population who share a commitment to strengthening the institution of Parliament. The IPU is the world organisation of parliaments of sovereign states and provides a focal point for dialogue. Over 1,300 delegates and observers from more than 120 member parliaments and international organisations will be attending the Assembly.
Under the CPA conference theme of “'Repositioning the Commonwealth for the post-2015 Development Agenda” participants will explore the role of parliamentarians in strengthening unity and diversity, women’s rights, good governance, sustainable development, and evaluate the post-2015 Development Agenda against the standards set out in the Commonwealth Charter.
The IPU Assembly agenda includes a general debate on the theme “Achieving gender equality, ending violence against women”, panel discussions and workshops on issues relating to parliaments’ role in nuclear disarmament, international law as it relates to national sovereignty, cyber warfare, sustainable development, and the role of parliaments in water management. Meetings of women and young parliamentarians will also be held, to discuss and develop mechanisms for ensuring diversity and representativeness.