ACT Final Election Rally
ACT Final Election Rally
Elections campaigns are an opportunity for political parties to put candidates and policy to enable voters to choose what sort of New Zealand we want. In this campaign there have been three tests by which you can assess the electoral choices for your vote
Much of the 2014 election campaign has been hijacked by a book and Kim Dotcom both of whom will soon be forgotten.
So the first test was whether parties were diverted from the real issues such as the economy, jobs, housing affordability and education.
The ACT party was never diverted by these sideshows and has put forward practical workable solutions to the issues facing the country. So ACT passed the first test.
The second test was an opportunity to gain easy votes by blaming “foreigners” for the challenge of housing and farm affordability. Colin Craig and Winston Peters based their campaign on blaming the Chinese for every problem.
Labour shamefully joined in. Only ACT has said we will not go into government with New Zealand First. Only ACT has passed test two.
Then came test three: sensational claims that New Zealand’s security agencies are not protecting us from terrorist threats but are really engaging in secret, illegal, surveillance on every New Zealand citizen.
A German fraudster brought in foreigners with an agenda against western security services to claim our Prime Minister is lying.
The media have given any allegation, however absurd, top billing. Perhaps the silliest was TVNZ giving top billing to an allegation statement by Winston Peters that the GCSB gathers foreign intelligence.
That is the GCSB’s mandate. It is as silly as making a news story from the fact that the welfare department gives out benefits.
The Prime Minister has repeated his claim that there are threats to New Zealand and his duty as Prime Minister is to defend New Zealanders.
Test three was whether to back the Prime Minister and say John Key is right that we need to have security agencies to protect us from foreign threats or to join in the attacks. When they realized the way to be reported was to attack our security services and demand inquires the other parties joined in the attacks on the GCSB.
The Greens have gone so far as to promise to dismantle New Zealand’s security agencies. Labour, New Zealand First and the Conservatives have all said they want to weaken our county’s security by holding inquires and creating new restrictions.
Labour, the Greens, New Zealand First and the Conservatives have failed the test of looking after our nation’s security. I did not include Internet/Mana because they do not even pretend to be advancing New Zealand’s interests having being been bought and paid for by Kim Dot Com.
Only ACT has publicly supported the Prime Minister on this issue. You have to go to the web to find ACT’s statements because the TV and print media only reported statements weakening our security against terrorist threats.
Yesterday in Australia we have witnessed how a credible threat to behead an Australian citizen was prevented by surveillance that all the other parties want New Zealand to stop. If we elect a Labour/Green/New Zealand First government our security agencies will not be able to prevent the sort of threat that the Australian security agencies thwarted. If you think terrorism cannot happen here then vote for Labour, the Greens, New Zealand First or the Conservatives.
In test three, the most important test in this election, “Who will protect New Zealand from terrorism?” just ACT and National pass.
Only two parties put the country’s security first ahead of cheap headline getting.
Just ACT has passed all the tests of this election.
ACT deserves your Party vote tomorrow.