Public meeting - threat facing Napier police
This is an open invitation for interested media to attend a public meeting on the future of policing in Napier.
Napier lost its
Hospital now it appears Napier Police Station is under
threat of closure and both sworn and non- sworn staff cuts
are eminent.
• I have written to the Police
Minister [attached] but no answer to date
Police have been gagged [but an X police officer will be
• Napier residents are shocked at the
• Napier is a city of 58,000 residents
already experiencing some of the highest crime rates in the
• Napier is a tourist destination and as
such a police presence and public safety is essential
Minister of Police
21st August 2014
Dear Minister
I write in my capacity as the Conservative Party
candidate for Napier and also as their Law and Order
As our campaign is getting under way I am
meeting with many residents [including police officers] and
I am very alarmed at what is already happening to policing
in our region but deeply concerned at future proposals that
I understand your office is contemplating.
For ease of understanding and answering I will list my question in two categories, first being the current situation of policing in Napier, secondly my understanding of what is being contemplated in the future.
Current situation regarding policing in Napier:
1) Lack of
morale in the police force:
2) It appears the
morale of police in the region [but my focus is on Napier]
is extremely low with many senior and experienced officers
leaving, some having gone to Australia, but others going to
more mundane occupations simply because of a lack of job
satisfaction. I understand the exodus is unprecedented.
Obviously this has a spiralling effect not only on the
morale of policing but also on overall delivery and
performance. Please note my comments are in no way intended
as a reflection on current
3) Amalgamation of the Napier and
Hastings police:
It appears the amalgamation of
the Napier and Hastings police force is not working. It
appears that policing in Napier has suffered as a result of
the amalgamation with the Napier police station often closed
and Napier based staff spending precious time going across
to Hastings to attend to matters whilst Hastings based staff
are travelling across to Napier to attend other matters. I
understand a large amount of police time is spent traveling
to and fro, this might have looked efficient on paper for
towns so close but in reality I am assured it is a giant
waste of time and resources.
4) Police coverage in
Another serious concern is police
coverage in Napier. It appears this is at present totally
inadequate and as I have already said the Napier station is
often closed. Napier is a tourism town of 58,000 people and
we don’t have enough police on duty to maintain a fully
functioning police station. I am unaware of any other
tourist destination in the World that does not have its own
police station. Napier has put a lot of effort into
marketing and promoting itself as a tourist destination, the
present crime rate in my home town is a disgrace. Recent
budget cuts and changes to policing have left Napier
particularly vulnerable. Can you please confirm the current
and future situation regarding police coverage for
What are the future proposals for policing in Napier:
1) Demolition of Napier police
I understand one of the ideas being
contemplated for Napier is the demolition of the Napier
police station and an amalgamation of existing emergency
services on to one trauma site on or near the Napier Fire
Station? Can you confirm this proposal
2) Dial a Cop
I am reliably
informed and understand that apart from the duty Sergeant
Napier would be without police cover for much of the time
and the intention is to install a phone on the front wall of
the station so that in emergencies people will be able to
dial-a-cop similar to the way we used to dial a taxi. Can
you confirm this is part of the proposal for policing for
Napier in the future?
3) Police dissatisfaction
with new proposals:
I understand that other
emergency services are also unhappy with the proposal to
centralise trauma services as it will result in the
undesirables in our communities congregating at the new
one-stop-shop. I can see the political answer to this being
to transport anyone charged or arrested to Hastings police
station to be processed. This of course will result in more
inefficiency of valuable police time and resources. I would
appreciate your view as to the above
4) Political time bomb:
I understand that some of the more radical changes will not
be announced until after the Election as they will obviously
be a political time bomb. Can you confirm / deny this
Obviously I am very keen to ensure that public safety is of paramount consideration in Napier and would appreciate your earliest answer as to what the facts are in relation to the above.
Yours sincerely