ACT is the only party supporting taxpayers and farmers
Media Release ACT Party
Don Nicolson ACT Party Rural Spokesman
4 September 2014
ACT is the only party supporting taxpayers and farmers over water protection spend
“ACT has found itself the only party supporting taxpayers and farmers over National’s latest water protection policy.”
“I am sceptical about the National government’s announced policy to throw more taxpayer cash at a non-problem two weeks before an election,” said Don Nicolson ACT Rural Spokesman
“When Environment Minister Amy Adams announced the policy she praised farmers for fencing off 90 per cent of waterways to date. Then she said it was time to move to a compulsory ban on dairy cattle in streams even though the industry had voluntarily self regulated itself with the same 2017 goal for dairy cow exclusion from waterways as the Minister now wants.”
The problem areas have been fully fenced and current best practice farming is in place. Even the Forest and Bird society acknowledge that.”
“What is happening in National’s offer of $100 million of taxpayers money is that the taxpayer is having their pockets rifled for a problem that doesn’t exist,” said Mr Nicolson”
“Three months ago National was telling us that their voluntary water controls were working, that Fonterra policies and better farming practices had improved water quality.”
“The best policy is to congratulate the stewards of the land on their magnificent efforts to date and let them get on with farming to current best practice knowing that the evolution of ideas always brings improvement.”
ACT says “Improving water quality is not just a five minute photo op. Continually beating up one sector is not telling the whole story.”
“Taxpayers deserve better from policy makers as do the farmers those policies affect. That’s why a Party vote for ACT is the smart and progressive vote come September 20th. We are the only party upholding fiscal, environmental and social policy integrity. We don’t do bribes” Mr Nicolson concludes.